Social Development Organization (SDO) has distributed dry food Baskets to more than 815 families affected by drought in Baidoa city of Somalia. Thousands of Somali families have been displaced from affected remote areas to nearby villages and towns, due to the drought, which has frequently occurred in the country over the last three years, because of the disruptions in the rainfall.
The emergency relief donated by donors from Saudi Arabia through Al-maktab Alkheyr, contributing to improving the effects of the drought.
Director of SDO, Omar Ahmed Sheikh Othman said the dry food has been distributed to 815 drought-hit families in Baidoa and nearby areas as the first phase of a relief aid project for drought-affected people in Somalia and expressed his thanks to the philanthropists from Saudi Arabia who have pledged their funds to fund emergency relief programs for those affected by the drought in Baidoa, Bay Region, hoping to continue supporting the people affected by natural disasters.
Social Development Organization noted that the Emergency Relief Project included the distribution of dry food, safe drinking water through tanks, medical convoys, and the distribution of plastic blankets for families to protect them from the heat of the sun and the cold of the night.