Social Development Org provides emergency relief to 900 families in Nugal region

 Social Development Organization (SDO) has distributed dry emergency relief to more than 900 families affected by drought in Nugal city of Somalia. Thousands of Somali families have been displaced from affected remote areas to nearby villages and towns, due to the drought, which has frequently occurred in the country over the last three years, because of the disruptions in the rainfall.

The emergency relief donated by donors from Qatar  through Eid Charity, contributing to improving the effects of the drought.

The relief items distributed to displaced and affected families include several basic items such as rice, flour, sugar, cooking oil, milk and dates. Each family received sufficient quantities for about one month.

Social Development Organization’s Emergency Relief Project include the distribution of dry food, safe drinking water through tanks, medical convoys, and the distribution of plastic blankets for families to protect them from the heat of the sun and the cold of the night.

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